Bev Wong-Ken is a Communications Specialist in Jacksonville, Florida

Blogs and Articles

Baptist Health Women's History Month Team Member Feature

Petra Estep is a powerhouse. Raised in the western suburbs of Chicago, Petra is a middle child with two brothers and grew up loving sports. She has always been determined to succeed at whatever she puts her mind to.

“Softball was my true passion leading me to pitch for The University of Chicago where I was later inducted into the University of Chicago Athletics Hall of Fame," Petra said. “After graduation, I joined Teach For America New Orleans to help get the students returning home after Hurricane Katrina back into the classroom. I met my husband, Thad, while in NOLA and knowing I did not want to teach forever, I followed him to Jacksonville in pursuit of a new career."

Baptist Health Black History Month Team Member Feature

Raised in a small town in Kingsland, Georgia, Keith Maxie came to recognize what hard work looked like at a young age.

“My mother was a single mom who worked as hard as two parents combined," Keith recalled. “She was even recognized for her ambitions in the local newspaper while working at the Gilman Paper Company."

As a young boy in the early 1980s, Keith aspired to also work at the paper mill like his mom and many others in Camden County. However, as he grew older, he realized there was something else out there for him and started working towards a career in health care.

Baptist Health Pride Month Team Member Feature

New Orleans native, Jay Pigott, is actively working to help LGBT+ youth in our community feel respected and supported in a way that Jay was not exposed to growing up.
“I came out as gay in college and then in my late twenties, as non-binary and transgender. Throughout this time, I've worked to advocate for at-risk LGBT+ youth and have tailored my career to work with this population," Jay said. “I know from experience that growing up in the South as a queer person can be challenging. It's important for our youth to have someone on their team who looks like them and can show them that it's possible to be successful and persevere."

A heart-to-heart about sleep

At some point, most everyone has indulged in a midday nap. A late night out or a day at the beach can leave anyone feeling drained and in need of some extra shuteye. However, excessive napping during the day could be taking a toll on your heart health.

Nura Festic, MD, sleep medicine specialist with Baptist Heart Specialists, explained the importance of a good night’s sleep for healthy hearts and why frequent napping could be a sign of an underlying issue.

It’s no secret that getting enough sl

Infant emotions

A baby's world revolves around sleep, food and more sleep. A toddler is focused on play and exploration. These little people couldn't possibly have a real care in the world, right? Because infants and young children typically lead such uncomplicated lives, people rarely consider their mental health needs.

Francesca Varallo Sims, PsyD, director of education and training at Baptist and Wolfson Children's Behavioral Health, explained the importance of mental health in little ones and provided ways

Turning to melatonin

Many people who are tired of unsuccessfully counting sheep are turning to over-the-counter melatonin for some much-needed sleep. Although many swear by its success, there may be better options for a long-term solution.

Jacob Wolf, MD, a board-certified family physician with Baptist Primary Care, explained exactly what melatonin is and shared pros and cons of the supplement.

"Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the brain in response to darkness. Exposure to light during the night can b

A knock on the noggin

Whether you're coordinated or clumsy, you've likely accidentally hit your head at some point – and it probably hurt. Usually, when you knock your noggin, you may wince in pain, rub the spot and try to forget it ever happened. While it might be something you want to move past, it's important to take note of how you're feeling to determine whether to seek medical attention.

Kate Barrier, MD, an emergency medicine physician with Emergency Resources Group and medical director of Baptist and Wolfson

Is it (puppy) love?

Do you remember your very first crush? While it may seem silly now, in the moment, it was a really big deal. For parents, witnessing their children experience those feelings for the first time can cause a whirlwind of emotions.

Jay Pigott, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker at Wolfson Children's Center for Behavioral Health with significant mental health experience working with adolescents and adults. Pigott shared a few insights and tips to help parents navigate their child's first cru

The right response

From time to time, we all find ourselves playing doctor and treating minor injuries at home, but how can you know when you're in over your head? While your condition might not warrant a trip to the Emergency Room, mistreating it could do more harm than good.

Matthew Thompson, MD, is an emergency medicine physician at Baptist Health and co-founder of Telescope Health, which powers Baptist HealthPlace On Demand. The app allows you to talk with trusted local emergency and family physicians around-

During cleft awareness month, Operation Smile shares ...

During cleft awareness month, Operation Smile shares details of its research

July is National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness and improve understanding of orofacial clefts and other conditions of the head and face. Worldwide, it’s estimated every 3 minutes a child is born with a cleft condition that can drastically affect their ability to breathe, eat and speak.

The specific causes of cleft conditions are still unknown, but Operation Smile is co

National Safety Month: Operation Smile Provides Safe Surgery Around The World In Wake Of Covid-19 | Aegis Dental Network

National Safety Month: Operation Smile Provides Safe Surgery Around The World In Wake Of Covid-19

National Safety Month is an annual observance during the month of June which observes the importance of following safety guidelines in our daily lives.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, safety is more critical than ever, and volunteer based nonprofit, Operation Smile, is adapting their practices to ensure that children are still able to receive life-changing surgeries in our changed world.


Five Valuable Tips to Help Anxious Children Cope with Healthcare Procedures - Issuu


Preventing Standing Water in Your Parking Lot — AAA Total Property Solutions

Walking outside after a storm, you may notice a few small puddles have appeared throughout your parking lot. Seeing these puddles directly after a heavy rain is normal and isn’t usually a cause for alarm. However, if puddles of standing water remain after a couple of hours, there is a significant chance of water damage being done to your pavement. Read on to learn the common causes of pooling and standing water, the negative effects it has on asphalt, and how you can prevent it.

While sealcoati

How producing exceptional outputs creates concrete outcomes

4 ways to measure the success of your public relations messages

Public relations professionals craft messages for audiences, which we call outputs. Outputs are what a company releases and communicates to its target audiences. News releases, social media posts, email blasts, blog posts, and events are among the many ways PR professionals create outputs that appeal to target audiences.

Axia Public Relations defines the elements that help measure the success of a PR campaign through outputs, outt

Facebook tests new rating system for business pages

Why customer reviews on social media are more important than ever

Today, almost everyone has a Facebook account. For companies, this means huge opportunities to connect with audiences, promote products and services, and gain reviews. Facebook’s review system has become a respected source for online reviews over the years. We’ve recently learned that Facebook may have a new rating system in the works that could change the way it calculates review scores. Here’s what we know.

When you search for

Parking Lot Striping and ADA Compliance — AAA Total Property Solutions

The parking lot of any business is the first thing the customer sees and interacts with before entering the building. To properly care for your parking lot means keeping it clean, safe and easy for your guests to navigate. Regular sweeping and asphalt maintenance will keep your parking lot clean while striping services will provide guests with clear direction, offer accessibility to everyone and provide an overall professional appearance. Read on to learn why parking lot striping is important an

4 Reasons Regular Pest Service is Beneficial to Your Home

As any homeowner knows, your house is an important investment that takes consistent care and maintenance. Many people might think that a clean and tidy home means a pest-free house. However, this isn’t always the case. Taking care of the outside of your house and property is essential to protecting the inside, which is why regular pest control services can help control pests and keep your home free of destructive infestations. Read on to learn how hiring a regular pest service can benefit your h

What Wood Destroying Organisms Are & Why a WDO Inspection Is Essential

What Wood Destroying Organisms Are & Why a WDO Inspection Is Essential

For many people, the first thing that comes to mind when they think of wood destroying organisms (WDO) are termites. While termites can be detrimental, they aren’t the only wood destroying organisms that can cause damage to your home’s structural safety, appearance and home value. If you’re buying or selling a home, a WDO inspection is an essential due diligence. We’re here to help you understand exactly what wood destroying

Enjoy Your Summer Without Ants

Summer is here! The days ahead are soon to be filled with outdoor picnics, pool days, barbecues and unfortunately…. ants. Ant infestations in and out of the home are very common, yet can be a tricky to problem to solve. There is a way to enjoy the summer months ahead without fear of these pesky insects with help from Russell Pest Solutions. With more than 10 different species of ants living in Florida, it is imperative that the correct techniques are used for each one. Our professionals provide

About Me

I am a communication specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the Marketing and Communications industry. I pride myself on being organized, timely, empathetic, creative and energetic. I am a skilled writer with a passion for sharing stories.